Etkinlik Dili İngilizcedir.

The theatrical project, in the genre of "date - performance". Combines elements of classical play, storytelling, interactive performance and live music.

In a mysterious atmosphere, to the sounds of live music, you will witness the amazing love stories, you will be astonished at the turns of the plot, immersed in the inevitability of existence, and the love itself will gallantly and sensually lead you out.


    Seans bilgisi henüz açıklanmadı.


    Mikhail Kudinov

    Irina Shabasheva

    Asya Nikitina

    Anastasia Potapova

    Sofia Khairova

    Oyun Ekibi

    Mikhail Kudinov / Yazar, Yönetmen, Sahne Tasarım

    Asya Nikitina / Çevirmen